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Of late, on blogs, social media, news outlets and elsewhere, I’ve been seeing a trail of “clean up your kitchen” articles. Posts extolling the virtues of “clean as you go”. Acronym: CAYG. I find this funny because about three years ago in the depths of my salads-from-Trader-Joe’s-for-dinners-rut, I saw myself truly sink into a “sink” of dishes. I hated it, just detested waking up to it in the morning.

Yes, this rental came with a brand spanking new dishwasher but did I use it? Never. Seemed silly for a few utensils and a bowl. I went through a sad period where the sink piled up with bowls, utensils and so on. That drove me nuts, but I didn’t “see” it. It was shortly after my divorce of five years was finalized and my brain was on the fritz to say the least.

So for about one and a half years, almost two, I lived with it, having massive dishwashing parties of misery with myself and the sink every so often. I hated it, it was just crippling.

Photo  Source.

Photo Source. The link leads to a blog on organization btw.

Okay, mine didn’t include raw meat laying out but the two sinks were pretty close as far as “fullness”.

Fast forward to today. I must be healing. I’m now cooking some meals, not many, but I think the emergency surgery experience I went though in September/October of last fall has a lot to do with it. Being waited on hand and foot for four weeks in ICU, (not to mention being stabbed with needles so many times that all of the veins in my arms and hands vanished) must have shook my world up a bit. To the point that it slapped me out of my after-divorce-rut.

Photo Source.

Photo Source. This actually looks sort of like my sink area, minus flowers.

Thus, you’ve found some recipes or rather simple throw-together dinner concoctions on this blog lately and I’ve become a fan of “facing a totally clean sink/kitchen area” in the morning. It’s a complete joy and pleasure. I will not go to sleep with dishes in the sink. No, I still haven’t used the dishwasher, just fill the right side of the sink with suds, then rinse and drain on the counter. Usually they’re dry before I go to bed (we’re in a drought so it is about the only good thing I can say about it), so I can put most away. How nice is that?

I have to say, it really has been a rewarding endeavor and my wooden handled knives and wooden spoons from the Netherlands really appreciate not spending the night being water-logged in the sink.

End thought? Well, I don’t encourage emergency surgery or three weeks in intensive-care, but I do think any life-jogging experience can set you up to accomplish “great” though “small” behaviors that have a massive effect on your life.

In other news, we did have a full day of rain yesterday that extended into the night…yay! Came down steadily and actually rather hard a few times. But it will still have to rain almost continuously for months to even make a dent in this drought. In closing, I’ll leave you with this little laugh from Pinterest:

What made me laugh was what someone wrote when they pinned it: “I really want this one so I can wear it every time my ex comes to pick up the kids”. Lol. Oh, if you click on the link you’ll find more tops with humorous sayings as well as where to buy them if you’re interested (no affiliation). Hope you have a good day!